Dev Note: Archives for Taxonomy “Chapter” are not so good in some cases because sometimes I want a dedicated page for a story and not just an archive. 26-01-2022. Will pause on developing archives for now. But might be good for dynamic Links?

Chapter 38: Hampus vs Dave

Tier 2 Front Row

38.65 to 38.68

To view this content, you must be a member of Marcus’s Patreon at €21 or more

Tier 2 Front Row

38.61 to 38.64

To view this content, you must be a member of Marcus’s Patreon at €21 or more

Tier 2 Front Row

38.57 to 38.60

To view this content, you must be a member of Marcus’s Patreon at €21 or more

Tier 2 Front Row

38.53 to 38.56

Hampus escapes the hold through sheer will, but now he has to decide which opponent to attack first.

Tier 2 Front Row

38.49 to 38.52

Hikaru joins forces with Dave and the two of them try to take down Hampus.

Tier 2 Front Row

38.41 to 38.44

Dave gets a taste of Hampus’s manhood.

Tier 2 Front Row

38.45 to 38.48

Dave struggles to keep Hampus under, but he can’t hold him long. He orders Hikaru to help him take the big guy down. What will Hikaru do?

Tier 2 Front Row

38.37 to 38.40

Hampus wakes Dave up and gives him a taste of his manhood.

Tier 2 Front Row

38.33 to 38.36

Dave clobbers the Dave til he passes out.

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