26.03 to 26.04 Slammed and Stomped
Leon slams Lucky to the ground and stomps on his pretty face
17 to 22 Luiz Blows His Load
Shu and Jun use teamwork to make Luiz blow his load and lose the match
19.20 to 19.21 Serving the Winner
Hampus sits on Lee’s face and orders Danilo to start serving him.
19.18 to 19.19 Stomping and Gloat
Hampus poses in triumph over the muscle jobbers who never stood a chance.
16 A Surprise Visit
Once Dave had had his fun, he signals the boys to come.
17 to 20 Gutpunching Amir
Amir gets choked and ab-bashed until he almost passes out
17.15 to 17.19 Amir’s Perfect Victory
Amir chokes out Quinn and poses over his unconscious body, while Dave helplessly watches. Amir carries Quinn out of the arena for further private punishment.
14.44 Victory Strip
Kyle and Lucky strip off their jockstraps and pose for the crowd once more.
14.61 to 14.62 Punishment
Lucky and Kyle punish Ryan and Jake for Ryan’s disrespect.