Dev Note: Archives for Taxonomy “Chapter” are not so good in some cases because sometimes I want a dedicated page for a story and not just an archive. 26-01-2022. Will pause on developing archives for now. But might be good for dynamic Links?

Chapter 23: Luiz's Punishment

Tier 4 Ringmaster

26 to 29

Luiz’s balls and abs get a workover.

Tier 4 Ringmaster

22 to 25

Jun and Shu slurp up Luiz’s seed.

Tier 4 Ringmaster

14 to 17

Jun and Shu enjoy Luiz’s trapped body. They sniff his pits, lick his nipples and play with his huge meat.

Tier 4 Ringmaster

10 to 13

Luiz tries to fight back but he is easily overpowerd by the four fighters. As punishement, he is chained up so his tormentors can fully have their fun with him.

Tier 4 Ringmaster

7 to 9

Luiz unbuttons Felipe’s jeans as he tries to come to a deal with his captors.

Tier 4 Ringmaster

1 to 6

It’s 4 vs 1 as Jun and Shu join the warehouse goons in beating up Luiz.

Luiz’s Punishment

The shady boss of the warehouse fights was not happy that Luiz, his prize fighter, lost to two skinny fighers. He sends his goons and to remind him what it means to lose in this arena.

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