00 to 03 First Strike
Hikaru’s weak punches are barely felt by Dave so Hikaru tries dirtier tactics.
44 to 47 Cuffed and Defenseless
The twins are cuffed to the corners, leaving Denton and Jaxon free to have their fun with João.
26.05 to 26.08 It’s about the Balls
Leon tries to embarrass Lucky in front of Kyle but Lucky is able to turn the tables.
21 to 24 Winner’s Priority
Jun and Shu are ready to celebrate their win but the warehouse enforcers give them hard reminder of the rules
18.11 Dave Kicked
This content is available exclusively to members of Marcus’s Patreon at “Ringmaster 2024” or higher tier, or having at least €500 pledged in total. Upgrade below to unlock this content.
19.03 Crushing Lee
With Danilo on his back in a torture rack, Hampus steps on Lee’S balls, driving the weight of both men into Lee’s poor baby makers
14.09.02 Ball Grab
This content is available exclusively to members of Marcus’s Patreon at “Ringmaster 2024” or higher tier, or having at least €500 pledged in total. Upgrade below to unlock this content.