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2 Responses

  1. 13

    I gasp in ecstasy my cock pulsing as my orgasm arrives “AHHHHHHH!!!!” I shiver my body rocking as my cock fountains my seed out. Shooting high into the air and landing on both of Kyle and Lucky. Drenching their faces with my cum. My cock pulses, the first jet soon joined by another and a third. I twist my hips towards Kyle, making sure he got another coating.


    I look down to see Luckys smiling, pleased at my eruption, pleased at serving me.
    Kyle on the other hand glared at me, anger sizzling in his eyes as my seed covered his face. I smile as the last jets of my seed leak onto Kyles face.


    “Clean me up “I order to both of my boys. Lucky instantly pushes his head forward, my seed just on his cheek, leaving the rest of his beautiful face clean. His tongue flicked out, dancing across ho cock head, slurping the last of the seed on my slit. I smile as Luckys tongue moved around my cock head. Licking it like a delicious lollipop.
    Kyle meanwhile was unmoving as he glared at me still.
    “Guess you still need some work” I mutter, my hand gripping Kyle’s head as I pull him in, his mouth pressing against my throbbing shaft.
    I look over at Bartoz, the big man grinning as he flexed his hands.


    “Lucky has been a good boy so he can be freed for the next stage” I order and the big man nods. Moving down and ripping the rope from Lucky’s wrists. Lucky instantly uses his hands to roam over my body, squeezing and rubbing my hard muscles.
    “clean Kyles face” I order to Lucky as I release my hold on Kyle’s head. The pink haired man instantly captures Kyle’s head and daintily licks the cum from his face. Kyle struggles, trying to pull his head free but Lucky’s grip is silk clad iron. A few moments pass and then Lucky steps back, Kyles’ face immaculate.
    “Excellent, well it’s time for the second bit of fun, Bartoz get him up. Time for your reward”.
    I smile as Bartoz grins as he lists Kyle up to his feet and holds him.

  2. Damn, I love Thierry’s imagination. Seems like Lucky does too!
    Kyle might not be having as much fun. But I sure am watching Bartoz and Theirry try and brake the jealous stud.

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