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4 Responses

    1. There’s a bit of story with Jake and Lucky that I haven’t had the chance to show, and it has to do with what happened in the warehouse after losing their respective fights. The winners have their fun with the both of them and force them to fight, with the promise that the winner will get to go and the loser has to stay and suffer more under the heels. Kyle wins but doesn’t have the heart to finish the win so he forfeits and they both pay the price. Since then they bonded and have gotten intimate. So Kyle does have a soft spot for Lucky.

    1. Oh I seem to have typed that wrong earlier. The backstroy is between Kyle and Lucky, not Jake and Lucky. I is Kyle and Lucky that was in the warehouse. So there is no connecion between Jake and Lucky as far as I made. Kyle and Lucky are a sort of couple as of this match. That’s why he dropped his defenses to attend to his boyfriend.

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